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Why Is Music Engagement Important and Beneficial for Older Adults?

Music engagement for older adults is important because it can help improve overall quality of life, especially for people living with dementia, disease, disability, a lack of social connection, and other concerns. Music-based activities, such as singing, movement to music and instrument play can benefit and enrich participants' lives in many ways such as:

  • Enhancing memory and recall
  • Reducing stress and anxiety
  • Increasing physical movement and circulation
  • Decreasing agitation and combativeness
  • Increasing self-expression

Active and engaging music experiences can boost health by enhancing a person’s cognitive, physical, emotional and social well-being. Participation in music activities has many benefits, often producing amazing outcomes, which can include:

  • Improving verbal communication
  • Promoting rest and relaxation
  • Increasing social interaction
  • Stimulating the brain
  • Helping staff, caregivers and family members connect with their...
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Interview with All Home Care Matters Podcast and YouTube Show

In August, we had the pleasure of being a guest on the All Home Care Matters podcast and YouTube channel. All Home Care Matters features resources, tips, and discussion on important age-related topics to help families navigate long-term care matters. Their YouTube channel has an extensive collection of videos which provides all kinds of information to family caregivers and answers to commonly-asked questions.  In my interview with them, I shared about the power of music and how music therapy can be utilized in senior care. If you’d like to watch it, click here.

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7 Ways to Use Music at Home with Your Aging Loved One

If you and your loved one enjoy music, but you’re unsure how to utilize it as a meaningful activity at home, we've got some ideas for you! Music is a wonderful tool for connection and engagement. Think of it like a vitamin—a little bit everyday does wonders to nourish the heart, body, mind and soul. Music can be a daily activity for you and your loved one.

1. Sing – Even if you don’t consider yourself as a “singer,” we each have a voice and can use it to sing. Did you know the activity of singing has a ton of benefits? In many ways, singing is similar to exercise. It’s an aerobic activity, so it gets more oxygen into the blood leading to better circulation which can cause improved mood. Singing causes the release of endorphins, which give us that wonderful “lifted” feeling often resulting in stress relief. Also, because singing requires deep breathing, a natural result is often reduced anxiety.

It's as simple as turning on a song...

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