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Is It Music Therapy, Music Education or Music Entertainment?

Did you know that music activates every area of the brain? It's true, scientific researchers have observed that listening to music and engagement in music-based activities can affect all areas of the brain. Music activates the “feel-good centers” of the brain, and it can even help create new neural pathways. The benefits of music are abundant and far-reaching!

As a music therapist, one question I receive all the time is What exactly is music therapy?

The definition of music therapy can be broken into two parts:

  1. It involves the use of evidence-based music interventions designed to accomplish specific goals based on the needs of an individual or group.
  2. All of this happens within a therapeutic relationship, and that person is a credentialed professional music therapist.

To break these parts down further, evidence-based interventions are simply music-oriented experiences or activities such as singing, playing an instrument, moving to music, and songwriting, all...

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4 Senior Care-Focused Podcasts We Love ... and Were a Guest On!

We’re honored to have been a guest on several podcasts over this past year. If you’re curious to find out about these amazing shows or listen specifically to the episodes we were interviewed on, you can find them highlighted below. 

The Aging Today podcast is sponsored by ComForCare West Linn. This show will help you “create better days throughout the aging process, connect with professional advice on the subject of aging in place, and learn about proactive aging in the right place with a choice.” I thoroughly enjoyed interviewing with host Mark Turnbull. We’ll be on the show again mid-December to do a special episode called “Christmas in Song.” Stay tuned!

You can listen to the August 30, 2021 episode, “Music as Therapy,” here.

In September, All Home Care Matters invited us back on their show. In this episode, we shared more about our online music program for seniors and even provided a 20-minute demo...

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