Introducing Zinnia: Better TV for People Living with Dementia

care partner caregiver support dementia care family caregiver life enrichment meaningful engagement quality of life Jul 01, 2023
Zinnia flower with text about Zinnia TV

In today's fast-paced and technologically advanced world, it's easy to overlook the profound impact technology can have on people's lives. Technology can be a burden but it can also be a powerful tool to bring joy, healing and transformation. Technology is ever-evolving, and in the world of dementia care, it’s being harnessed to enhance the lives of people living with dementia. One such company that’s created an innovative solution to meet the needs and challenges of people living with dementia is Zinnia TV.

We learned about Zinnia earlier this year and became instant fans. Zinnia was started by four individuals with a passion to make a difference in the lives of people living with dementia. As a person’s brain function declines due to the degenerative nature of dementia, it can become difficult to track a plot, process fast-moving images, and tell fact from fiction. Regular TV can end up being detrimental for people living with dementia because it’s too overstimulating, complex, or simply overwhelming. This is where Zinnia comes in - their offering reflects intentional, high quality and functional design. Simply put, Zinnia is better TV for people living with dementia.

As their website states, Zinnia is “better programming for people living with dementia. Crafted by artists and based on scientific research, our videos are beautiful, slow paced, easy to see and easy to process. They draw people in with a subtle internal logic that moves through time and place without the burden of plot or dialogue, to create moments of engagement, joy and connection for people living with dementia and their care partners. They also relieve stress by easing disorientation, bolstering identity and letting carers get a break.”

Zinnia can be considered a non-pharmacological intervention. Their videos are therapeutic in nature, designed to promote meaningful conversation, soothe anxiety, reduce agitation, uplift mood, and support activities of daily living. As a result, it helps improve quality of life for the person living with dementia and provide support to the caregiver. Zinnia can be accessed on any web browser, or easier yet, download the app. It features a variety of categories, or channels, from nature to animals to places. Videos are beautiful and high quality. Zinnia’s mission is to “design artistic experiences that improve the quality of life for people living with mid- to late-stage memory loss or dementia by bolstering a sense of identity and fostering connection with loved ones and care partners at home and in long-term care settings.”

This month, we’re excited to announce our new partnership with Zinnia! Several of our music therapist-created videos for music engagement can now be found on Zinnia under the new Bridgetown Music Therapy channel. Zinnia’s focus is to help people flourish beyond their diagnosis, and we’re thrilled to come alongside them and support this outcome- through music! To learn more or start a free trial, visit